Calgary | Edmonton | Kitchener-Waterloo | London | Ottawa | Montreal | Toronto | Regina | Vancouver | Victoria

(Overall Totals as of / Total des dons en date du June 2, 2024, 8:46 am)

   Calgary (Total Teams: 51)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
Corporate Millenium Plus Homes $ 24,600.00
SchoolsThe HQ Grade 4 Steppers $ 3,550.00
University or CollegeSouthern Alberta Post Secondary Team $ 2,870.00
Tots and TykesMini Movers YYC $ 2,160.00
Friends and FamilySouth Side Stellars $ 23,165.00

   Edmonton (Total Teams: 53)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
Corporate The PAGERS $ 41,370.00
SchoolsLilian Osborne $ 8,000.00
University or College
Tots and TykesAllen Gray Child Development Center $ 2,350.00
Friends and FamilyDestitution Destroyers $ 50,014.00

   Kitchener-Waterloo (Total Teams: 9)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
University or College
Tots and TykesHamilton Helping Hands $ 22,851.00
Friends and FamilyNiagara Walks $ 13,556.00

   London (Total Teams: 0)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
University or College
Tots and Tykes
Friends and Family

   Ottawa (Total Teams: 10)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
University or College
Tots and Tykes
Friends and FamilyTeam Ismail $ 2,835.00

   Montreal (Total Teams: 3)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
University or College
Tots and Tykes
Friends and FamilyTeam Montreal $ 13,800.00

   Regina (Total Teams: 10)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
Corporate KPMG - Regina Office $ 1,060.00
SchoolsTeam A to Z $ 600.00
University or CollegeUniversity of Regina $ 55.00
Tots and TykesLittle champs $ 1,300.00
Friends and FamilySaskatoon Jamatkhana $ 600.00

   Toronto (Total Teams: 90)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
Corporate BMO Toronto $ 17,715.00
SchoolsCMS Kids $ 20,440.00
University or CollegeUniversity of Toronto $ 4,755.00
Tots and TykesScarborough Mighty Munchkins $ 11,240.00
Friends and FamilyEast York Champs Team $ 169,131.00

   Vancouver (Total Teams: 57)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
Corporate KPMG GVA $ 7,911.00
SchoolsStratford Hall $ 3,000.00
University or CollegeSFU ISA $ 5,950.00
Tots and TykesBBY Lake SEED $ 12,450.00
Friends and FamilyDarkhana Community Team $ 190,320.00

   Victoria (Total Teams: 12)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
Corporate Heart Pharmacies IDA Victoria Owned by Naz Rayani $ 8,380.00
University or CollegeUniversity of Victoria $ 2,850.00
Tots and Tykes
Friends and FamilyJazzercise Victoria $ 1,025.00

   Walk Anywhere (Total Teams: 4)
Team Type Team Name Total Raised
University or College
Tots and Tykes
Friends and FamilyNanaimo JK $ 2,675.00